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Gaston Berger (1896-1960), francuski futurolog

The AI talent wars are just getting started

A photo of Naveen Rao.
Naveen Rao, VP of AI at Databricks. | Naveen Rao / The Verge

For my last issue of the year, I’m focusing on the AI talent war, which is a theme I’ve been covering since this newsletter launched almost two years ago. And keep reading for the latest from inside Google and Meta this week.

But first, I need your questions for a mailbag issue I’m planning for my first issue of 2025. You can submit questions via this form or leave them in the comments.

“It’s like looking for LeBron James”

This week, Databricks announced the largest known funding round for any private tech company in history. The AI enterprise firm is in the final stretch of raising $10 billion, almost all of which is going to go to buying back vested employee stock.

How companies approach compensation is often undercovered in the tech industry, even though the strategies play a crucial role in determining which company gets ahead faster. Nowhere is this dynamic as intense as the war for AI talent, as I’ve covered before.

To better understand what’s driving the state of play going into 2025, this week I spoke with Naveen Rao, VP of AI at Databricks. Rao is one of my favorite people to talk to about the AI industry. He’s deeply technical but also business-minded, having...

Read the full story at The Verge.

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#ActInTimeDEADLINETime left to limit global warming to 1.5°C 4YRS143DAYS07:57:30 LIFELINEWorld's energy from renewables14.729400755%UK soil breakthrough could cut farm fertilizer use & advance sustainable agriculture | China to promote innovation in ecology and environment sector | Great lakes fisheries are creatively minimizing waste | Green Climate Fund approves $687 million in investments | Texas power system set for new clean milestone as winds pick up | EU is working on a new draft for its clean industrial deal | Climate advocacy groups file two lawsuits against Trump administration | Early warning system for climate tipping points given £81m kickstart | Protecting peatlands and mangroves could halve Southeast Asia’s land-use emissions | Japan approves new climate, energy and industry policies through 2040 | UK soil breakthrough could cut farm fertilizer use & advance sustainable agriculture | China to promote innovation in ecology and environment sector | Great lakes fisheries are creatively minimizing waste | Green Climate Fund approves $687 million in investments | Texas power system set for new clean milestone as winds pick up | EU is working on a new draft for its clean industrial deal | Climate advocacy groups file two lawsuits against Trump administration | Early warning system for climate tipping points given £81m kickstart | Protecting peatlands and mangroves could halve Southeast Asia’s land-use emissions | Japan approves new climate, energy and industry policies through 2040 |