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Rečnik budućnosti, CSB 2022.


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#ActInTimeDEADLINETime left to limit global warming to 1.5°C 4YRS141DAYS14:29:56 LIFELINEWorld's energy from renewables14.732449769%UK soil breakthrough could cut farm fertilizer use & advance sustainable agriculture | China to promote innovation in ecology and environment sector | Great lakes fisheries are creatively minimizing waste | Green Climate Fund approves $687 million in investments | Texas power system set for new clean milestone as winds pick up | EU is working on a new draft for its clean industrial deal | Climate advocacy groups file two lawsuits against Trump administration | Early warning system for climate tipping points given £81m kickstart | Protecting peatlands and mangroves could halve Southeast Asia’s land-use emissions | Japan approves new climate, energy and industry policies through 2040 | UK soil breakthrough could cut farm fertilizer use & advance sustainable agriculture | China to promote innovation in ecology and environment sector | Great lakes fisheries are creatively minimizing waste | Green Climate Fund approves $687 million in investments | Texas power system set for new clean milestone as winds pick up | EU is working on a new draft for its clean industrial deal | Climate advocacy groups file two lawsuits against Trump administration | Early warning system for climate tipping points given £81m kickstart | Protecting peatlands and mangroves could halve Southeast Asia’s land-use emissions | Japan approves new climate, energy and industry policies through 2040 |