The purpose of the looking at the to disturb the present!

Gaston Berger (1896-1960), francuski futurolog

Classic survival horror is still alive and scaring

A screenshot from the video game Fear the Spotlight.
Fear the Spotlight. | Image: Blumhouse Games

More than most genres, survival horror feels rooted in time. It started with the methodical Resident Evil on the original PlayStation and is defined in part by limitation — a slow pace, grimy visuals, and scant resources to help amplify the scares. Many of those elements stemmed from the early, awkward days of 3D gaming, whether it was Resident Evil’s clunky controls, which made zombie chases more terrifying, or Silent Hill’s fog, which lent an iconic atmosphere while also letting the developers get around technical limitations of the time.

And a few decades later, developers are still finding ways to bring the most important elements of those games — namely, the mood and scares — to modern horror without feeling dated.

The most obvious...

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