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Gaston Berger (1896-1960), francuski futurolog

Auto-Tune always and forever

An illustration showing people singing, and producing, music.
Image: Samar Haddad / The Verge

Popular music changes all the time, but there’s been one consistent element in practically everything released in the last two decades: Auto-Tune is everywhere. What started as a simple audio processing tool in the 1990s has become the dominant force in music. Artists are training to sing with Auto-Tune; songs sound like Auto-Tune. Like it or hate it, Auto-Tune is everywhere. And to be clear, most people like it.

On this episode of The Vergecast, the second installment in our series about the future of music, music journalist and Switched on Pop co-host Charlie Harding tells us the story of Auto-Tune. (Disclosure: Switched on Pop is part of the Vox Media Podcast Network, as is The Vergecast.) It starts, of all places, in the oil and gas...

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#ActInTimeDEADLINETime left to limit global warming to 1.5°C NaNYRSNaNDAYSaN:aN:aN LIFELINEWorld's energy from renewables-20.832617495%UK soil breakthrough could cut farm fertilizer use & advance sustainable agriculture | China to promote innovation in ecology and environment sector | Great lakes fisheries are creatively minimizing waste | Green Climate Fund approves $687 million in investments | Texas power system set for new clean milestone as winds pick up | EU is working on a new draft for its clean industrial deal | Climate advocacy groups file two lawsuits against Trump administration | Early warning system for climate tipping points given £81m kickstart | Protecting peatlands and mangroves could halve Southeast Asia’s land-use emissions | Japan approves new climate, energy and industry policies through 2040 | UK soil breakthrough could cut farm fertilizer use & advance sustainable agriculture | China to promote innovation in ecology and environment sector | Great lakes fisheries are creatively minimizing waste | Green Climate Fund approves $687 million in investments | Texas power system set for new clean milestone as winds pick up | EU is working on a new draft for its clean industrial deal | Climate advocacy groups file two lawsuits against Trump administration | Early warning system for climate tipping points given £81m kickstart | Protecting peatlands and mangroves could halve Southeast Asia’s land-use emissions | Japan approves new climate, energy and industry policies through 2040 |